Friday, 3 July 2015

Indian Roller T-shirt

Glad to let Green Humour readers from outside of India know that I've set up a Redbubble store for international orders! Here's the Indian Roller t-shirt I designed for my previous exhibition, Wildlife the Toonie Way, which is now available from my Redbubble store here, along with the CHE (Crested Hawk-Eagle) t-shirt. The artwork is also available as an entire range of goodies that includes mobile and laptop skins, mugs, pillows, tote bags and diaries.

The illustration depicts the courtship display of the Indian Roller, in which the male performs somersaults mid-air to attract a mate.

More designs coming up soon!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Shirt Agency offers custom screen printing and embroidery on t-shirts, jackets, sweatshirts and accessories.Shirt Agency works to make any format of artwork looks its absolute best. Whether your artwork is still a hand drawn concept or a finished vector we have a team of people ready to help you make your print look perfect. Feel free to call us to discuss your design needs. make your own shir

  3. Wow! First of all I cant able to see what kind of image it is. After looking closely to the image i came to that a bird is rolling down.

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