Thursday, 4 February 2016

The Endemics of Sri Lanka

Happy Sri Lankan Independence Day! Did you know that the gorgeous island of Sri Lanka has one of the highest rates of endemism in the world? 16% of its fauna is found nowhere else on the planet! As with most biodiversity-rich islands, several of Sri Lankan endemics are either endangered or are cruising towards endangerment owing to habitat loss.

Here are 22 of the species I found the most amusing (the actual list of endemic animals is over 500). The collage includes the National Bird of Sri Lanka, the Junglefowl, the Sri Lankan Birdwing, which is the National Butterfly, and two of the most striking lizards in the world, among others. 

Prints can be purchased as posters, art prints, t-shirts, mugs, laptop skins, notebooks and more, from my webstore here.

If you're in India you can place orders for the following products by mailing me on

A1 poster (594 x 841mm)- Rs. 1800 each
A2 Poster (419 x 594mm)Rs. 1200 each
A3 Poster - Rs. 500 for the first copy and Rs. 200 for the second copy onwards 
Tshirt (S,M,L,XL)- Rs. 1300
Coffee Mug (Compilations)- Rs. 850
Personal Diary (Hard Cover, A5, 150 pages)-  Rs. 800


  1. i want to buy a t shirt, so tell me where can i buy one.

  2. WOW!!! amazing! well done!
    as wonderful as the ISLAND OF SRI LANKA :) !

  3. This is too cool! I'm definitely going to have to at least get a t-shirt :)

    Sarah |
