Monday, 11 June 2018

No to Playback

Bird song playback as a tool should exist only to help the cause of ornithology and science, not to help photographers become social media sensations, or for birdwatchers to win the 'big year'.

Are you a birder/photographer who treats birds with respect by not using playback? Now you can proudly wear your 'No to Playback' badges and t-shirts and let your peers know that you're an ethical birder. 

Order 'No to Playback' badges, tshirts and posters by mailing me on The prices for the merchandise are as follows:

Badges (58mm): Rs. 600 for 5 pieces
Tshirts: Rs. 1200
Prints (A3): Rs. 500 for the first print, 200 for the second copy onwards

For orders outside of India, visit my webstore here.  

(The bird in the illustration is a Mishmi Wren Babbler, an IUCN Vulnerable species endemic to Dibang Valley in Arunachal Pradesh, North-east India, that is serially hounded by photographers and birders who use playback).

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