Friday, 22 May 2020

Freshwater Turtles and Tortoises of India

Meet the 29 species of freshwater turtles and tortoises of India! While sea turtles usually make all the headlines on World Turtle Day, let's shine the spotlight this time on our inland chelonians. Barring 3 species, each of these are at the risk of extinction. Turtles are among the most poached of all reptiles, and alongwith primates, are considered the most endangered vertebrates. India's inland chelonians face many more threats: habitat loss, illegal pet trade, deforestation, sand mining and capture for temple ponds (ironically, temple dwelling turtle populations are now contributing to captive breeding programmes for species like the Black Softshell Turtle, in a bid to revive their wild populations).

For orders outside of India, the poster is available as a wide range of prints and merchandise on my webstore here

For orders within India, posters are available in the following sizes and prices:

A0 Poster (synthetic non-tearable, loose)- Rs. 3000 for the first print, Rs. 3000 for the second print onwards
A1 Posters (synthetic non-tearable, loose)- Rs. 2500 for the first print, 2500 for the second print onwards
A2 Posters (synthetic non-tearable, loose)- Rs. 1200 for the first print, 1000 for the second print onwards
Loose Posters (A3- Individual species and compilation)- Rs. 500 for the first copy and Rs. 200 for the second copy onwards
Tshirts (individual species/compilation)- Rs. 1000 (White, Cotton, roundneck, sizes- S,M,L,XL)  

(To order, email me on with the number of prints and your postal address and contact number for delivery)

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