Monday, 18 November 2013

The Saola

The Saola, a critically endangered antelope-like bovid was spotted by camera traps set up by the WWF and the Vietnamese government in the Annamite Mountains in Vietnam. The mammal hadn't been seen in the wild for nearly 20 years! This rarity has led to its nickname- the Asian Unicorn and estimates place global populations at a mere 250-300 animals. The main threats to the Saola are habitat loss, poaching and accidental trapping in snares. 
Creative Commons License
This work by Rohan Chakravarty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Rohan, Redid this comment, due to errors. I absolutely love this cartoon, and understand either this one or the other one you said I could display, will be shown in the Australian Education Union Magazine, Victorian Edition, in Feb 2014. Thrilled as this means many teachers throughout Australia will start to rethink their approach to Education for Sustainability. They are holding off on publishing the article till the school year begins which was quite sensible!
    Sorry to hear about the plagiarism! People can be so foolish can't they.
    Cheers Nicolle Kuna,
    Converse Conserve.Com

  3. Hi there! I run a tumblr for the EDGE of Existence project, and the saola is one of the animals we're working with. Would you mind if I reposted this (with credit) to our tumblr?

  4. Thanks Nicolle and Rachel,

    Rachel, Sure you can. Just add the credits and link it back to my website.
