Sunday 29 October 2017

The Hume's Warbler in Delhi

Migratory birds aren't just seen in forests and lakes, but also come to your backyards. New Delhi, for example, has already started receiving its urban winter visitors, one of which is the humble Hume's Warbler. A walk through any of the city gardens can yield a sighting, and unlike other warblers which are a nightmare to identify, the Hume's gives itself away easily with its 'chew-ip, chew-ip' calls.

From my column with Mid-Day today.

Friday 27 October 2017

Tiger-Farmer Conflict in Dudhwa

(Click on the image for a larger view)

Last year in summer, I accompanied scientist and friend Rekha Warrier to the sugarcane fields around Dudhwa Tiger Reserve in Uttar Pradesh, where she is studying and working to resolve the conflict between tigers and cane farmers. Tigers often use the safety of the tall cane crop for sheltering their cubs, and this brings them in contact with farmers and their families, increasing the chances of casualties. The poster, written and illustrated in Hindi with inputs from Rekha, the Field Director, and the Wildlife Warden, enlists some precautions that the farmers can take to avoid conflict with the carnivore.
Thanks to Rekha, and my friend Rohit Jha (who has been studying the critically endangered Bengal Florican in Dudhwa) for showing me around (and also for giving me my first Bengal Florican, Gharial and Fishing Cat sightings), and to Rekha again for commissioning the poster through the WWF and a Rufford grant.

Monday 23 October 2017

Plum-headed Parakeet

Adorned with a bright cherry-coloured head, the Plum-headed Parakeet is one of the most cheerful-looking birds you'll see in Indian forests. Illegal capture for the pet trade is a growing threat to the bird's populations, and hundreds can be spotted in cages at illegal bird markets, thanks to poor enforcement of wildlife laws in India.

The cartoon is from my column with Roundglass Samsara, an online environment magazine.

Friday 20 October 2017

Advantages of Being a Bat

I'm glad to announce that I'm launching a new column for Green Humour comics with Grammy-winning musician and conservationist Ricky Kej's 'Roundglass Samsara' magazine! After The Hindu's BL-ink, Gocomics, and Mid-Day, this will be my fourth running weekly column, and the second on the web. I choose to begin upside down, with one of my favourite group of animals- bats!

You can read more comics on the Roundglass Samsara website here, along with a wonderful assortment of articles and blogs on wildlife and nature. 

Sunday 15 October 2017

Friday 13 October 2017

Giraffe Cartoons for Arastirmaci Cocuk

Giraffe cartoons done for the Turkish kids' magazine Arastirmaci Cocuk. The cartoons originally appear in Turkish in this month's issue of the magazine. Subscribe here.

Thursday 12 October 2017

Himalayan birds and Climate Change

Climate change doesn't just melt glaciers, but drastically alters habitats. Himalayan birds, for example, have been found to be losing their home ranges to birds from much lower elevations, who now find the higher elevations hospitable because of changing climates, temperatures and vegetation.

The comic appears in my column with The Hindu BL-ink.

Tuesday 10 October 2017

US Navy Dolphins to Save the Vaquita

In a last-ditch attempt by USA and Mexico to save the nearly extinct Vaquita Porpoise, the US Navy has delpoyed four of its trained bottlenose dolphins to locate Vaquitas, which will be captured for captive breeding and satellite tagging. Vaquita populations have plummeted to a mere thirty, because of gillnets used to fish Totoaba off the Gulf of California. 

Monday 9 October 2017

Giraffe vs Man

A comic that compares giraffes with us, done for my page with the Turkish kids' magazine Arastirmaci Cocuk. The comic appears originally in Turkish, in this month's issue of the magazine. Subscribe here.

Sunday 8 October 2017

Bar headed Geese

Meet the highest flying birds in the world- the Bar-headed Geese! The geese breed in Central Asia and cross the Himalayas each year to winter in India, frequently flying over the Everest! 

This winter, Green Humour celebrates winter migrants. The comic appears in my column with Mid-Day today.

Thursday 5 October 2017

Wolves Versus Terrorists

The mainstream media and the USA clearly have some difficulty telling terrorists apart from wolves. Here's a simple guide for them.

Wednesday 4 October 2017

Water and plastic waste

I was invited to be a part of NDTV's live telecast on Gandhi Jayanti (2nd October), called Cleanathon, where I got an opportunity to interact with Mr. Amitabh Bachhan (along with NDTV hosts Swati Thiyagarajan and Vikram Chandra) and speak about aquatic and marine wildlife, and the threats from plastics and litter. I drew a quick cartoon for the show, which was signed by Mr. Bachhan on live TV.

A big thanks to NDTV for the opportunity!

Sunday 1 October 2017

Binge Watching

Did you know that you can binge-watch even without being a Netflix user? From my column with Mid-day today.