Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Big Cats, Big Jokes!

While India's big cats continue to suffer from habitat loss and poaching, there have been plans by the government to re-introduce cheetahs in the grasslands of Western and central India. Does India have the room, resources and the skill to host another beautiful big cat when all its other species are already fighting a losing battle? Also, the continuous decline in the numbers of the Great Indian Bustard, a critically endangered grassland bird proves that grassland conservation has always taken a back seat in India's conservation strategies.
Here's my take on the cheetah introduction issue.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License.


  1. Hi Rohan ,
    I just wanted to know how do you bring the cartoon look to the colours and lines . can you suggest me some software.

  2. hello,
    i use a pen tablet and adobe photoshop. u can use the brushes and various blend modes in adobe photoshop to bring about the desired look.

  3. hey Rohan, this is amazing :-). with you totally on this one.you read my thoughts on the cheetah issue?

  4. thanks prerna...do you mean the tehelka article by you? yes i loved it. in fact, it dawned upon me to think of cartoons regarding the cheetah only after i read your article...

  5. Hey rohan, too good a satire i will say..!! seems Co-exist term has become so cryptic and satirical for human actions. I think i should visit ur blog very often...!


  6. Hi Rohan. Liked your cartoon which sums up the situation absolutely in your first frame itself!!

  7. Thanks Rohan for the suggestion ... I was late in checking

  8. Very well said Rohan!!! Great visualisation!!!

  9. Thanks a lot Jarul. Stay tuned for more :)

  10. hahahaha..... it sucks

    just kidding!

  11. Okay, I actually laughed out loud! Brilliant execution Rohan - as always!

  12. good info and way to make awareness
