Wednesday, 5 October 2011


Unfortunately, almost every Indian festival ends in the same way- causing almost irreversible destruction to aquatic habitats, apart from alarming amounts of air and noise pollution. I have never understood the concept of idol immersion and am dead against it, and i feel it must be boycotted and done away with, without any delay.
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This work by Rohan Chakravarty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


  1. So true and so unfortunate :(

  2. Im a Sindhi and very surprisingly, our God (Jhulelal sai) is represented in the pooja by a small pindi made of aata & mishri. The only thing offered is rice & sugar. This is what is immersed in the sea, so its edible for the sea-life. :)

    Though I do like the idea of eco-emmersions being practiced in many cities and small homes now - make idols of aata or clay, and then immerse them in a bucket at home and use the water to water the plants at home... :)

  3. Hello Chetna,
    Eco-immersions are not only environment-friendly, but also often beneficial. It's a good point you've talked about there.
