Saturday 6 August 2016

Snake Myths Busted

I collaborated with the amazing folks at  to bring out some cartoons that debunk snake myths that are prevalent in India and lead to harassment, capture and even death of snakes. Naag Panchami, a festival in which snakes are meant to be worshiped, ends up being a day of horror for snakes; particularly cobras, as they are captured from the wild, defanged and rendered helpless, force-fed with milk and tortured.

Indiansnakes will soon be publishing vernacular versions of the cartoons and distributing it as posters. Thanks to the dynamic Shaleen Attre and Jose Luis for teaming up!

Let this Naagpanchami be cruelty free. Say no to snake worship and report the capturing of snakes to your local forest department.


  1. Super. Can you provide a high resolution copy of this which we can Print and put up in Schools for Children to learn?

    Incidentally, we can also build this in multiple languages for putting up in Rural Municipal Schools

    Thank you.

    1. Yes. Please write to for prints of the posters (also available in regional languages)

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