Thursday 1 December 2016

Raptors of the Indian Subcontinent

Big, bad and mean- here's a brand new compilation of all the 73 species of raptors found in the Indian subcontinent! Having such incredible diversity in landscape and habitat, it is of little wonder that the subcontinent hosts such a high diversity of raptors! Right from the 4 feet long Cinereous Vulture to the sparrow-sized Pied Falconet, raptors come in every shape and size, and inhabit all kinds of terrain, be it rainforests, scrubs, deserts, hills, coasts, islands or snow-capped mountains. Being the apex predators in the bird world, raptors truly are the tigers of the skies!

The poster, as well as individual illustrations are available as a wide range of prints and merchandise (and even a wall clock!) on my webstore here

For orders within India, see below-

A0 size Matte (841 x 1189 mm)- Rs. 3500 for the first print, 3000 for the second print onwards.
A0 size Canvas (841 x 1189 mm)- Rs. 4500 for the first print, 4000 for the second print onwards.
A1 size Matte (594 x 841 mm)- Rs. 3000 for the first print, 2500 for the second print onwards.
A1 size Canvas (594 x 841 mm)- Rs. 4000 for the first print, 3500 for the second print onwards.

Get a free A3 poster of any favourite raptor with every A0 or A1 print of the compilation!

Individual illustrations-
Loose Posters (A3- Individual species)- Rs. 500 for the first copy and Rs. 200 for the second copy onwards
Fridge Magnets (65 x 65 mm, Printed in sets of 4)- Any 4 raptors for Rs. 1200
Coasters (3.5" x 3.5", Printed in sets of 6)- Any 6 raptors caricatures for Rs. 800
Personal Diary (Hard Cover, A5, 150 pages)- Anyraptor on the cover- Rs. 800
T-shirts (White cotton, roundneck; sizes- S,M,L,XL)- Any raptor- Rs. 1300 each

E-mail me on to order your prints!

Meet each of the raptors here-

Kites, Bazas, Osprey and Honey-Buzzard

Black-shouldered Kite
Brahminy Kite

Black Kite

Red Kite


Black Baza

Jerdon's Baza

Oriental Honey-Buzzard

Crested Serpent Eagle

(Crested Serpent Eagle with a treesnake kill)

Great Nicobar Serpent Eagle

Andaman Serpent Eagle

(Andaman Serpent Eagle with a treesnake kill)

Black Eagle

Short-toed Snake Eagle

(Short-toed Snake Eagle with a snake)

White-bellied Sea Eagle 

(White-bellied Sea Eagle with a seasnake)

Pallas' Fish Eagle

Grey-headed Fish Eagle

Lesser Fish Eagle

White-tailed Eagle

Indian Spotted Eagle

Greater Spotted Eagle

Tawny Eagle

Steppe Eagle

Eastern Imperial Eagle

Golden Eagle

(Golden Eagle with a Himalayan Marmot)

Rufous-bellied Eagle

Bonelli's Eagle

Booted Eagle

Changeable Hawk-Eagle

(Changeable or Crested Hawk-Eagle with a Grey Junglefowl kill)

Mountain Hawk-Eagle

(Mountain Hawk-Eagle with a Khalij Pheasant kill)

Legge's Hawk-Eagle


Upland Buzzard

Common Buzzard

(Common Buzzard with a field mouse kill)

White-eyed Buzzard

(White-eyed Buzzard with a Calotes)

Himalayan Buzzard

Long-legged Buzzard


Northern Goshawk
(Northern Goshawk eating a Hill Partridge)


(Besra with a leaf warbler kill)

Crested Goshawk


(Shikra with a Blue Rock Pigeon kill)

Eurasian Sparrowhawk

(Eurasian Sparrowhawk with a Common Wood Pigeon kill)

Japanese Sparrowhawk

(Japanese Sparrowhawk with a Mangrove Whistler kill)

Chinese Sparrowhawk

Nicobar Sparrowhawk


Hen Harrier

Western Marsh Harrier

Pallid Harrier

Montagu's Harrier

Pied Harrier

Eastern Marsh Harrier

Amur Falcon

Eurasian Hobby

Oriental Hobby

Collared Falconet

Pied Falconet

Laggar Falcon
(Laggar Falcon with a Spiny-tailed Lizard kill)

Common Kestrel

Lesser Kestrel

Peregrine Falcon

Shaheen Falcon

Saker Falcon

(Saker with Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse)

Red-naped Shaheen
(Red-naped Shaheen with Northern Shoveler)

Red-necked Falcon

(Red-necked Falcon with a sparrow kill)

Sooty Falcon

See the Vultures of India (individual illustrations and compilation) here.

A preview of the raptor wall clock available here on my webstore-


  1. Lovely.. Lovely work and such detailed work. I can only imagine the immense hard work being put into this.
    Kudos for the contribution of a different kind...
