Saturday, 18 November 2017

BNHS Bird Migration Atlas

One of my most challenging yet enjoyable assignments this year was this mega-poster for the Bombay Natural History Society. The brief was to depict migration journeys, ringing and recovery efforts undertaken for 25 species of birds, while at the same time displaying migration in all its glory. To the left is a map of the Indian subcontinent that shows birds ringed and recovered within India. To the right is a map of the Old World, showing rings and recoveries outside of the subcontinent. The icons that enclose the birds, also depict their preferred habitat in ringing and recovery locations. 

Packing so much scientific information into a single visual was a real challenge, but at the same time a tremendous learning experience! The project introduced me to some real wonders of bird migration, such as the South Polar Skua, ringed in the Antarctic Peninsula and recovered all the way up in coastal Karnataka! 

The poster was displayed at the CMS COP 12 held in Manila in October. Thanks to Dr. Deepak Apte (Director, BNHS) and to Ms. Vibhuti Dedhia (Editor, Publications, BNHS) for commissioning me for the artwork, and to ornithologist Tuhina Katti for patiently answering all my dumb questions throughout the project!