Monday 4 August 2014

How the Fig Wasp runs the Fig Empire

A brief summary of one of nature's most intricate, fragile and delicate business partnerships that is the crux of the food chain for countless organisms! 
For print orders within India, the posters are available as A3 size prints. Send me an e-mail with the number of copies and your postal address to

For print orders outside of India, please click here to buy the poster from my Redbubble store.

These cartoons first appeared in Saevus magazine's story on the fig wasp in June 2013.


  1. the bestest way of explanation about the fig/wasp partnership... Great work!

  2. Amazing! Never knew such a process existed. Thanks for sharing this in such an informative, humorous manner! More people will learn easily! :)

  3. Sharing this on a lot of fora. Thank you for seasoning the facts with humour. Deepa.

  4. Very well depicted
    Rohan you rock :)

  5. Rohan such educational cartoons deserve to be made up in our Indic laguages too! :)

  6. We jump from one website to another in search of information and entertainment. If you ask me what all sites I clicked open yesterday, I would hardly remember any, except one. And you know the exception. Rohan, You are loaded with creativity. keep up the good work and humour.

  7. Excellent!! It makes it easy to show this to children and students.

  8. I think your representation would stick more in the minds of people who read it, than just the bare facts. Good going, Rohan. Deepa.

  9. Something so Intense with simplicity from you... Your the Best..
